Cloth Diapering 101! Oct 12 in Ft Collins

Cloth Diapering is easy! Join Mama FreeBirth as she covers the types of diapers available plus the pros and cons of each, wash routines, solid waste removal, cloth materials cloth diaper services, diaper creams and more! Bring your curiosity and get ready to be blown...

Diapers near me?

Time is always at a premium, but when you’re becoming a new family, or adding another child to the mix, time becomes even less available it seems.  The good news is that with Bundle Baby Diaper Service, our diapers are available to be delivered to your doorstep...

How to Lanolize Wool and Cashmere

We get many of our gorgeous wool covers from BabeeGreens, and they have easy to follow instructions for lanolizing your wool covers, wraps and pants! We love our WOOL and CASHMERE! What’s not to love about nature’s most breathable yet waterproof material? Despite all...
Why Choose Cloth?

Why Choose Cloth?

Cloth diapering has been a hit since the dawn of modern civilization! Once touted for its ease of use (we’re talking flats, pins, plastic pants) and affordability, now beloved in parenting circles for its micro carbon foot print, fashion forward design and health of...
How To Wash….. Wool Covers

How To Wash….. Wool Covers

Wool covers are fabulous addition to any cloth diaper stash! They are warm when it’s cold out, cool when it’s warm out, breathable and antimicrobial but if you have ever destroyed a favorite wool sweater you know that wool can be finicky to care for. Washing It is...